Monday, February 7, 2011

New Uses for Everyday Items

A teapot I used as a vase.

New Uses for Serving Pieces – Appropriate those little used serving pieces for other jobs.

101 Uses for Everyday Things – A number of these items are technically “kitchen” items.  Some of the uses I question, but some are really useful.

50 All-Time Favorite New Uses for Old Items – Some non-kitchen things again, but a lot of interesting ideas.  (Note: I don’t think the stores would appreciate people collecting paint chips [or cards] for the purpose of making place cards.  I’m just saying…)

New Uses for Things In the Dining Room – There’s a little repetition here, but some good ideas too.  As regarding using a quilt as a table cloth, I suggest covering it with a piece of clear heavy vinyl cut the size of a table cloth.  You should be able to find this by the yard at a fabric store or Wal-mart.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random Meal – A lunch

Just for fun I thought I’d try to post an occasional meal “menu”. :o)

My lunch – Fried egg cooked with leftover chicken noodle stew (it was too thick to be soup ;-) ) made with whole grain pasta; baby carrots, and a slice of mozzarella with homemade orange marmalade on it.

My husband’s lunch – Cheese and home grown lettuce on whole grain bread, peanuts and raisins (or maybe it was dried cranberries), and a homemade granola bar.

What's for lunch at your house?

Snow Ice Cream

This seems like a really appropriate recipe to post right now due to the heavy amounts of snow around the U.S. The only drawback is that if you don’t have the ingredients on hand you probably won’t want to go out for them! :-)
What you will need:
Warm clothes
Mixing bowl
Serving bowls
Fresh, clean snow
A level surface for working outside
1/2 C. half/half or whole milk
1/4 C. sugar
1/4 tsp. vanilla
4 C. clean snow
Here is the instructions as given on YouTube by Tawra Kellam of Living On A Dime.

Note: I took these photos of snow when we were living in Tennessee. The car was “decorated” by my brother, Dan. :-)
Note: One friend pointed out that our air is not necessarily clean (at least in most areas). So, wait till you've had several inches of snow before you collect and then try setting out a bowl as Tawra did and catching only the fresh stuff. Or, you could carefully scrape off just the very top of the snow. If your area has had a lot of snow recently you're probably safe anyway on the air pollutions. As Tawra mentioned, don't collect snow where chemicals have been used - such as yard and garden sprays, etc