Thursday, June 3, 2010

National Egg Day

In honor of National Egg Day I thought I’d post a photo of eggs from our own free range chickens. The “girls” are real rascals sometimes, but they do know how to lay a fine egg!

The eggs that look white are actually pale green-blue. They are from our Ameraucana chickens.


  1. Hi Mary, we have green egg layers as well. We call them Araucanas. Are you all homesteading with different animals, or do you just have chickens? I followed the link from your dad's page to this one and was pleased to find it! Can't wait to catch up what you've been up to! All the food looks wonderful. I would love to see a detail on how you made the Ethiopian flat bread.

  2. The Ameraucana is a variety of chicken developed in the US and is related to the Araucana. Hence the green/blue eggs. They seem to be pretty hardy here and take the heat well, but we also have some other varieties of chickens now as well - mainly Rhode Island Red mixes. They are doing fine too.

    We are working toward being more self-sufficient, so as of the present we have on our teeny, tiny "ranch" chickens, fruit trees and bushes and two gardens. There was a pecan orchard when we came and about three fruit trees (and, thankfully, a large fenced garden area - though not kept well). We have talked about goats for milk/food and small Angus for food, but at this point we are getting our goat's milk from a church friend who gives us a good price, and cattle will take more planning and preparation.

    I will *try* to remember to take some pictures the next time we make Ethiopian food! :-) It is a pretty good yeast-free quick bread, but it has to be eaten up within a short time as it doesn't stay fresh long.

  3. I love our goats. We kept them for 2 years before my youngest and now I have more this year. That's wonderful you can buy your goats milk from a church member. Raw milk sales are illegal here so it is just easier to keep our own goats or we would have to own a part in a herd share or buy "pet food". We raised beef for our freezer last time. We had a heritage breed so they took forever to get to a decent size for butcher. If we do it again, we may rethink that.
    We've raised our own meat chickens for a couple years and that is so worth it and wonderful. I'm actually going to put one in the oven tonight for our dinner. So tasty! We raised some katahdin sheep last year for butcher and I didn't think I'd like lamb, but I really love it. Do you have pics of your garden and birds?
