Sunday, February 2, 2025

Letters to My Friend - Thoughts On Reading Fiction

Dear Friend,

Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

I have read a lot of old books. Primarily ones that were written before, oh, let's say about 1930. That's a guess because I don't pay that much attention, but the books that have cars in them usually have old style cars, so I figure that's a somewhat accurate date. I'm not overly interested in the World Wars, so the '40s are mostly not there for me, and also during that time frame and forward even the more gentle fiction tended to become jaded or grubby. This is not to say that the older books are all wholesome and fine. Far from it. One still has to be quite cautious. But, there is, I think, more to choose from in fiction written prior to 1930. There are also still a lot of options after that date as well.

I am not writing this to tell you what to read, though. That is a choice each one makes for themselves, hopefully with reference to a good conscience before God.

Hebrews 13:18 Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.

And speaking of that, perhaps I should touch on the issue of whether fiction is a good choice of reading for Christians. I know there are some people who say it is not...

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