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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Lord, How I Long


Lord, How I Long

Lord, how I long with eager mind
Men's souls to save and bless!
But yet, alas, how oft I find
Much failure, small success!

In self-dictated haste to serve,
With prayerless zeal I run,
Then weep with weary mind and nerve
To find so little done.

Lord, clear my misted eyes to see
That nothing can avail,
Until I learn, alone with Thee
Through praying to prevail.

What means my busy work to Thee,
If done in vain self-will?
What power or guidance can there be,
Till Thou Thy servant fill?

Lord, help me learn to wait until
Thy will I clearly see;
Then fill me, guide me, and fulfill
Thy perfect will through me.

Author unknown.

2 Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves
to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;

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