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Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Olympics, Dionysus, and C. S. Lewis


2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 

The Olympics, Dionysus, and C. S. Lewis

There was a tremendous flap this year over the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris. The tableau that riled up a lot of people will live in infamy to decent, God-fearing people.

The curious thing about it to me was that a number of professing Christians tried to defend or excuse it based on the painting "The Feast of the Gods" by Dutch artist Jan van Bijlert. As time moved along and information was presented, it was brought out by some that this painting was also a degraded imitation of a version of "The Last Supper" by Leonardo DaVinci. As an artist and graphics designer myself, I only needed to see a comparison of the two paintings and the photograph of the infamous tableau to clearly see which one the French artist was using as his inspiration. Other details that came to light tended to confirm this, although it was denied by the French artist and Olympic opening ceremonies committee after the fact.

Consequently, I will continue to refer to this tableau as a mockery of Christ and the last supper from this point on. Yes, the original painting was painted by a Roman Catholic. Yes, it was a very poor representation of that actual event. It is not a painting that I would want in my home. However, it is meant to be a respectful portrayal of that event, so when wicked people make a point of turning into an exultation of sex perversion and the worship of Dionysus, it is an attack on the person of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that He made for our atonement - as represented in the last supper.


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  1. Thank you - very much appreciated. I had never realized much of what you stated, oh I "sort of" knew it but after seeing your very careful and thorough explanation, I am fully clear on this subject.


    1. You're so welcome! I'm glad it helped. Thanks for taking the time to read it. :-)
